Abrams Tanks M1A2

Abrams Tanks, What is inside ? 4K Animation

The M1A2 Abrams is a formidable main battle tank used by the U.S. Army. Weighing around 68 tons, it features advanced armor, firepower and mobility. Its primary armament includes a 120mm Smooth Bore gun capable of firing various types of ammunition, enhancing its effectiveness against armored targets

Is Abrams the most powerful tank?

Abrams Tanks M1A2

In the M1A2 Abrams main battle tank, the U.S. military possesses one of the most capable tanks in the market. Some say it is the best tank ever. While the Abrams is an unquestionably tough and powerful main battle tank, it's not unstoppable. It's potentially vulnerable to some of the same threats that have knocked out some of Ukraine's new Leopards and Challengers in recent months, such as antitank mines, missiles, artillery, and drones. The M1 Abrams tank is among the most powerful ground weapons in the U.S. arsenal, able to close in on enemy tanks, troop positions and other targets, blast them with its cannon and machine guns, and then speed away

The Abrams has the firepower, mobility and survivability to provide the key component in the combined arms team.

The Abrams tank is fitted with advanced composite armour, which provides substantial defence against enemy fire and improvised explosive devices. Fuel and ammunition reside in separate compartments to protect the crew from the risk of the tank's own ammunition exploding if the tank is damaged. The tank urban survivability kit also greatly enhances the Abram's survivability in complex terrain.

The Abrams is fitted with an onboard digital fire control computer which enables the gunner to 'point and shoot' to engage targets. This capability coupled with an advanced sensor suite, allows the Abrams to engage targets at extended ranges, day or night, even in adverse weather conditions.

What is the weakness of the Abrams?

The Abrams tank, a powerful machine, has some weaknesses. It's heavy and fast, but it drinks up a lot of fuel and needs frequent refueling. After refilling, it can zoom quickly, but it doesn't go very far on a tank of fuel. Additionally, the tank's engine is vulnerable to dust and dirt

To support the Abrams, the ADF has produced seven M88A2 HERCULES (Heavy Equipment Recovery Combat Utility Lift and Evacuation System) armoured recovery vehicles. The HERCULES is a fully-tracked heavy armoured vehicle which performs hoisting, winching and towing as part of recovery operations and evacuation of heavy tanks and other combat vehicles.

The Abrams is also supported by heavy tank transporters to fulfil its logistics requirements while on operations. A range of simulators have also been procured to assist in training and crew preparedness.

In early March, press reports of the battle at Berdychi, five miles northwest of Avdiivka, asserted that the Ukrainian 47th Mechanized Brigade lost three M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, at least four M2A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and two Assault Breacher Vehicles in combat there. These losses represent 10 percent of the brigade’s tanks, five percent of its infantry fighting vehicles and about one-third of its armored engineer vehicles.

In late March, independent visual reporting confirmed four destroyed Abrams tanks in the vicinity of Avdiivka. Make that 12.9 percent of Ukraine’s Abrams lost in one battle.

However. these reports also said the capture of the rubble of Avdiivka cost the Russians “at least 16,000 dead, probably tens of thousands of wounded and nearly 800 armored vehicles.” Vague reports of Ukrainian losses suggest a few thousand killed, thousands more wounded, and fewer than 100 armored vehicles lost. The Ukrainians claimed the battle effectively halted the advance of the Russian 2nd and 41st Combined Arms Armies.

The M1A1 Abrams figured prominently, albeit not in detail, in these news accounts of Avdiivka and Berdychi. Such reports will likely feature prominently in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s next series of demands for more U.S. and European financial and material support.

But the Ukraine war persists in begging the question: are advanced weapons like the M1A1 Abrams truly force multipliers in Ukraine? 

Or are they destined to be lost and abandoned on the battlefield?

While many defense pundits wax eloquently about the technological sophistication of Western combat vehicles, the Forecast International Weapons Group once again maintains technology alone is not the key to modern armored warfare. How these weapons are employed tactically is, and always will be, the key factor.

Both the Ukrainian and Russian armies have exhibited a remarkable lack of aptitude, let alone inclination, to properly exploit the potential of advanced weapons on the battlefield in Ukraine. This is not surprising, however, as both armies provide a mirror image of each other in terms of modern tactical sophistication...or, more precisely, the lack thereof.

If the Western combat vehicles in Ukraine, such as the Abrams, are employed with crews and commanders well-grounded in Western armored warfare doctrine, the impact on the battlefield could be devastating for Russian forces. But if Ukrainian forces insist on employing these Western weapon systems according to their existing Soviet-style doctrine, the results on the battlefield will remain mixed at best, disastrous at worst. Even the most sophisticated weapon in the world is utterly useless in untrained (or poorly trained) hands.

Sadly, as the slaughter in and around Avdiivka and Berdychi reflect, continues to indicate the Ukrainians have NOT embraced Western armored combat doctrine. Indeed, the Ukrainians are still operating in the same discredited Russian mode.

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For today's video, we're going military.

Let's look at how a tank works.

We're gonna focus specifically,

on the American M1A2 Abrams Tank.

We'll look at the caterpillar tracks, the turret,

where the crew sits,

and the engine in the back that powers it all.


The M1 Abrams Tank was introduced in the year 1980.

The tank was named in honor

of United States Army General Creighton W. Abrams Jr,

who was a commander in the Vietnam War.

The idea with the M1 Abrams Tank,

was to keep it low to the ground,

so that it was harder to hit.

Angled sides on the tank,

allowed enemy fire to deflect off the side.

It's a bit cozy inside,

so I hope you're not claustrophobic.

During operations, the crew may spend hundreds of hours

inside with very little sleep.


There are many versions of the tank.

We have the M1, then came the M1A1, and then the M1A2.

There's also minor variants of the tanks,

with many different enhancement packages.

But to keep things simple, let's not worry about these,

just these three major versions.

They look very similar on the outside,

but there's been plenty of improvements,

to items such as the armor, electronics

and the weapon systems.

Each new version is generally heavier, and slower,

but the increased tech makes up for it.

For the rest of the video,

I'm gonna focus specifically on the M1A2 Abrams Tank.

Though some of what I'll say,

will be true of the previous versions as well.


Let's look at some specs.

The height is eight feet,

the length is 32 feet, and the width is 12 feet.

For comparison, here's the size of a person.

This tank weighs a whopping 68 US tons.

That's equal to the weight of about 35 cars.

Even with all that weight,

the tank is capable of speeds of up to 42 miles per hour.

It has a fuel capacity of just under 500 gallons.

Again, just for comparison,

most cars can only hold about 16 gallons.

But tanks need all of that fuel

because they only get about point six miles per gallon,

compared to the average car 25 miles per gallon.

So it's a gas guzzler but it's heavy and powerful.


Let's look at some other features of a tank.

We have the caterpillar tracks,

the wheels, they're seven on the ground on each side,

the main body which is called the Hull,

and the Turret, which is the part that spins on top,

and holds the weapons and other equipment.

The engine is housed in the very back.

The tank holds a crew of four,

three of them are inside the turret,

and one of them is way up front.


Now that we're familiar with the outside of the tank,

let's look at more specifics,

and we'll start with the caterpillar tracks.

These are sometimes called tank treads.

They are made of steel with replaceable rubber pads.

There are seven road wheels on each side of the tank,

a raised idler wheel in the very front

and the drive sprocket in the back.

This one has gear teeth on it,

and it's the only one that's powered by the engine.

It moves the entire track along.


The other wheels spin freely,

as the tank treads move past it.

The road wheels also have suspension built into them.

The whole reason we use caterpillar tracks,

is to allow the tank to go over some very rough terrain.


Most barriers don't pose any problem for the tank to pass.


Regular vehicles with four wheels have limited surface area

in contact with the ground.

They can get stuck much easier.

That's why it's a good idea to stay on paved roads.

The tank on the other hand,

has a much larger surface area to displace all that weight.

Obstacles in the way are usually not a problem.


The tank can even climb some very steep hills.


Most of the time it's still a smooth ride

for those inside the tank.

The tank is steered by altering the speed of the tracks.

For example to turn left,

the right tracks need to move faster than the left tracks.

Unfortunately, the caterpillar tracks,

are the most likely part of the tank to break.

The good news is that the tank usually carries tools,

and spare parts so that broken links can be replaced,

and the tank can keep moving again.


Next up is the engine,

which is in the very back of the tank.

For repairs, the entire engine

can be lifted up out of the tank.

This is an AGT 1500 engine,

which can run off of several different fuels

but most of the time it runs off of jet fuel.

In your car, you'll find what's called a piston engine

with the pistons moving up and down to rotate the shaft.

But in the tank, you'll find a turbine engine.

This one works a little bit more like a jet engine,

that you would find on an airplane.

However, this engine is actually fairly quiet.

Which is really important,

so you don't give away the tanks position to nearby enemies.

The engine gets very hot,

so these two side cooling units will help remove the heat.

The exhaust comes out the back,

so make sure and stay clear when the engine is on.

Outside Features

There's actually a phone, on the back of the tank.

This way soldiers on the outside

can communicate with the crew on the inside.

The sides have armored plates, called Side Skirts

to protect the wheels and the caterpillar tracks.

These can be opened up in sections,

for better access to the road wheels.

On the front, there's headlights here,

and four tow hooks down here.

Remember there are many different variants

of the M1A2 Abrams Tank.

So another tank, might have slightly different features

on the outside.


And this top part is called the turret.

It can rotate all the way around and in about nine seconds.

This is the main gun,

which is a 120 millimeters Smoothbore Cannon.

This means that the shells

or ammunition are 120 millimeters.

And so is the bore or the hole that it goes through.

(loud explosions)

The shells leave the barrel at about 3500 miles per hour.


It can hit a target two miles away.

The automatic stabilizers,

allow the gun to stay locked on targets,

even while going over rough terrain.

This way the driver doesn't have to stop

every time the tank needs to fire.

The tank can even spin in place

while the main gun remains locked on target.

Right next to this, is the smaller coaxial machine gun.

Up on top,

there's usually at least one more machine gun to operate.

On the sides, are smoke grenade launchers.

There's one on each side of the tank.

These make it harder to be seen during combat.

There's not much room for equipment inside of the tank,

so oftentimes the crew put it out here on the bustle rack.

Inside the Turret

There are two hatches on top of the turret;

the commander's hatch and the loaders hatch.

Inside of the turret,

you'll find three out of the four crew members.

It's a bit cozy in here.

The gunner sits down below to the very right.

The commander sits directly behind the gunner.

The loader is off to the left of the main gun.

When the turret rotates,

all three of these crew members rotate with it.

Underneath here, this is called the turret basket.

The seal between the turret and the hull is so good,

that it could protect the crew inside

I wanna show you about this tank.

The commander can see 360 degrees around the tank,

through the viewing ports.


The shells for the main gun

are stored in a large compartment on the back of the turret.

The loader can then open up an access door,

grab a shell and load the main gun.

This must be done quickly during combat situations.

(loud explosion)

If any of the ammunition is ignited,

the panels on top are weak to blow off,

so that the explosion goes up

instead of into the turret where the crew is located.


The driver sets up at the very front.

There's a hatch up here that can be opened to go inside.

There's not much room up here either,

so the driver has to lay back in the seat.

The controls are up here and two brake pedals down here.

There's no gas pedal in the tank,

just use the two black handlebars,

for acceleration and steering.

The driver also has periscopes,

that allow him to see a 120 degree field of view.

Usually the driver enters through the hatch up front.

But if needed, the driver can climb into the turret,

and then through a tiny door in the basket,

and into the seat.

Other Countries

The United States isn't the only ones,

to use the M1 Abrams Tanks.

It's been sold to other countries,

such as Australia, Egypt, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.


The M1A2 Abrams Tank has been in use

for almost 30 years now.

At some point it may be replaced

but for now it continues to be the main battle tank,

for the United States military.

My name is Jared,

and I create 3D animations on how things work.

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And thanks again to War Thunder.

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Martin Luther King Story

Martin Luther King, an American Story with Transcript

King led a nonviolent campaign for racial justice during the civil rights movement. His contributions to the movement and to American democracy make him a worthy and important figure to learn about. MLK helped bring about the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin. His grandfather began the family’s long tenure as pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, serving from 1914 to 1931; his father has served from then until the present, and from 1960 until his death Martin Luther acted as co-pastor. Martin Luther attended segregated public schools in Georgia, graduating from high school at the age of fifteen; he received the B. A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and grandfather had graduated. After three years of theological study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania where he was elected president of a predominantly white senior class, he was awarded the B.D. in 1951. With a fellowship won at Crozer, he enrolled in graduate studies at Boston University, completing his residence for the doctorate in 1953 and receiving the degree in 1955. In Boston he met and married Coretta Scott, a young woman of uncommon intellectual and artistic attainments. Two sons and two daughters were born into the family.




Happy MLK Day: Top 7 Martin Luther King Jr Accomplishments

Broke Barriers With The Birmingham Campaign. ...

Gave A Speech That Altered The Course Of History. ...

Was The Youngest Person Ever To Receive The Nobel Peace Prize. ...

Was The Leader Of The Montgomery Bus Boycott. ...

Founded the SCLC. ...

Led A Great March On Washington.


In 1954, Martin Luther King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Always a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race, King was, by this time, a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the leading organization of its kind in the nation. He was ready, then, early in December, 1955, to accept the leadership of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration of contemporary times in the United States, the bus boycott described by Gunnar Jahn in his presentation speech in honor of the laureate. The boycott lasted 382 days. On December 21, 1956, after the Supreme Court of the United States had declared unconstitutional the laws requiring segregation on buses, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these days of boycott, King was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a Negro leader of the first rank.




Why Martin Luther King was a good leadWhy Martin Luther King was a good leader?

Martin Luther King Jr | Characteristics That Made Him a ...



To be a successful leader, communication is key. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most eloquent speakers the country has ever seen. He was able to motivate millions through his speeches. King was so well spoken, motivating and inspiring, that his words continue to engage people more than fifty years later.er?

Martin Luther King Jr | Characteristics

To be a successful leader, communication is key. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most eloquent speakers the country has ever seen. He was able to motivate millions through his speeches. King was so well spoken, motivating and inspiring, that his words continue to engage people more than fifty years later.



King fought for justice through peaceful protest—and delivered some of the 20th century's most iconic speeches. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., is a civil rights legend. In the mid-1950s, King led the movement to end segregation and counter prejudice in the United States through the means of peaceful protest.




To be a successful leader, communication is key. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most eloquent speakers the country has ever seen. He was able to motivate millions through his speeches. King was so well spoken, motivating and inspiring, that his words continue to engage people more than fifty years later.

King fought for justice through peaceful protest—and delivered some of the 20th century's most iconic speeches. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., is a civil rights legend. In the mid-1950s, King led the movement to end segregation and counter prejudice in the United States through the means of peaceful protest.