In all countries, reactions of opinion on the nuclear issue are a sensitive subject. Questions relate to the risk of nuclear proliferation in those related to waste management.
Nuclear Safety Assessment
The risk of nuclear weapons to be used would disappear with the end of the cold war. This is the meaning of the non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), founded in 1968 and extended indefinitely in 1995. Although the Iran did not meet the provisions, its strict application by the signatory States upsets not civilian nuclear expansion.
By this Treaty signatory countries require to accept the control by the IAEA of nuclear installations and of fissile material in their possession (only five permanent members of the Security Council of the Organization of the United Nations, already possessed nuclear weapons in 1968, retain the right not to have their military programmes to international control).
Controls conducted by the IAEA are difficult when it comes to small facilities such as small units of uranium enrichment. On the other hand, they are effective for large-scale facilities for reprocessing of fuel and power reactors.
More worrying is the case of countries which have not signed the NPT or who decide to leave. But the corresponding risks of proliferation are not directly related to civilian use of nuclear energy. Some countries have developed their own nuclear weapons were also done in specific ways and not by hijacking of civilian facilities.
As regards civilian facilities, all charges of nuclear waste, present and future, are covered by the price of electricity, and particularly loads of radioactive waste management and decommissioning charges.
Nuclear facility operators have double duty, on the one hand, to conduct security implementation and the dismantling of their adopted definitively and on the other hand, packaging and manage their radioactive waste.
Annual allocations from the nuclear operators operating income come every year increase provisions constituted to cover these specific long-term expenses.
Storage and reprocessing, acceptable constraints for the environment
Essential parameters of the radioactive waste management are first management of spent fuel, then the renewal of the nuclear reactors of new Park generation and, finally, the realization of geological storage for high and medium waste.
Once unloaded nuclear reactors, spent nuclear fuel are stored after cooling and packaging with a view to their subsequent storage either retired to launder unburned energy materials, waste from reprocessing is stored with a view to their subsequent storage.
The vast majority of radioactive waste is packaging and is stored in facilities guaranteeing their containment.
This applies in particular to waste from the nuclear power industry, if they represent a majority share of total of radioactive waste are not only waste of this type. Radioactive waste from nuclear power production sector add sector research, sector of defence, the sector non-nuclear industry and the medical sector.
Current levels of safety Assessment of radioactive waste storages are high.
Years aims to develop solutions for the management of waste from high or medium activity long-lived, that are still better than the current warehousing solutions and, especially, valid very long term.
Anyway, the objective is to alleviate the most possible the task of monitoring of future generations completing implement sustainable management solutions.
International tensions as a whole will be fanning requiring cooperation between consuming countries to reduce their needs and lessen warming interlocked process.
Long term (2035-2040), the battle of nuclear power will focus on so-called fast neutron reactors. 4Th generation machines that will allow burning the plutonium to 70 years uranium reserves to more than 250 years.
Indispensable given the heaviness of the investments in research, international cooperation should develop detailed rules for the exchange of information and results, intellectual property.
Decades 1970 and 1980, Europe held a dominant position in research on rapid neutron reactors and the reactors at high temperatures.
The France put into service the reactor to fast neutrons cooled sodium Phoenix in Marcoule in 1973, and the United Kingdom, the PFR 1974 Dounray reactor. The sector of high temperature reactors was studied with German reactors.
Today, Europe has most of the 250 megawatt Phénix reactor. This last ground of study will disappear with the shutdown of the reactor planned for 2008-2009.
The situation is reversed in Asia, which has more and more technological means.
Asia has, indeed, a set of ways to study and experimentation on these connections for the future. Applying a systematic strategy of energy systems and especially for nuclear power, the Japan, China and the India gain little by little the indispensable know-how.
For this project NGNP (Next Generation Nuclear Power), with the estimated budget of 1.25 billion for the period 2006 - 2015 has been approved by the 2005 Energy Act, US plans to build a very high temperature reactor for booting between 2017 and 2021.
Weakening of Europe in the future nuclear channels has not been currently stopped by resolute action of the European Union to weigh in global research.
The efforts that will be the European Union in the coming years to consolidate its energy system will be used to nothing in terms of climate change if it is not the head of a movement strong and rapid technology transfer without carbon in favour of developing countries.
Greenhouse gas emissions for Nuclear Safety Assessment
The main greenhouse gas of greenhouse is water vapour.
Its concentration is unaffected by human activity.
The atmospheric concentration of 6 greenhouse gases has increased strongly due to emissions from human activity.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) represents three quarters of gases greenhouse worldwide. It is issued for use of fossil energy (coal, oil, natural gas) or from deforestation.
Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide total 20% of global emissions of greenhouse gases. Major releases of methane are due to discharge warnings and cattle and sheep farms. Nitrous oxide emissions are the result of intensive agriculture, chemistry.
Three fluorinated gases related to industrial processes and air conditioning contributes to the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gas emissions: sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbons (PFCS), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
Greenhouse - gases KYOTO Protocol to the convention - frame of the United Nations on climate change
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Methane (CH4)
- Nitrous oxide (N2O)
- Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
- Perfluorocarbons (PFC)
- Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
Milestones in the fight against climate change
1873: Foundation in Vienna from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
1893: First analyses the possible link between anthropogenic emissions of CO2 and the risks of global warming (Svante Arrhenius, future Nobel Prize in chemistry)
1979: First World Climate Conference.
1988: Creation of the global network of scientists (IPCC) under the aegis of the UN
1997: Signing of the Kyoto Protocol
2001: Withdrawal of the States - the Kyoto Protocol United
2003: EU directive establishing the Community CO2 emissions trading system.
2005: Start of the European market for CO2 emission allowances.
February 2005: Entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol after ratification of the Russia
2008-2012: Period of observance of commitments to Kyoto;
Why is nuclear safety important?
The main objective of nuclear safety is the achievement of proper operating conditions and the prevention or mitigation of accident consequences, resulting in protection of workers, the public and the environment from undue radiation hazards.
What is probabilistic safety assessment?
Probabilistic safety assessment: A tool to estimate risk and drive safety improvement at nuclear power plants. ... Also known as a probabilistic risk assessment, the PSA uses probabilities to analyze the overall risk to a nuclear power plant under abnormal conditions.
What are the dangers and hazards of using nuclear power?
Can nuclear power ever be safe?
Why nuclear energy is bad?
Is risk a assessment?
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