Organized Forms of Cybercrime vs IT Security Evaluation
For criminal organizations, networks of the Internet are quickly imposed as an extremely effective in facilitating their traditional activities.
Operator without State of soul and a much higher level of technical information and reservoir formed by hackers, criminal organizations embark on cyber-crime while that other botnets are born, enticed by the prospect of quick and easy gains.
The pornography vs IT Security Evaluation
The dissemination of pornographic materials has been and remains among the first applications of the Internet. However, if paedophilia was long restricted to a very closed circle, the arrival of the Internet unfortunately caused almost instantly brutal expansion to disseminate or acquire worldwide whole equipment photo or video by simple commands at the keyboard of a computer problem; especially since some countries such as the Japan do have no legislation on the publication of pornographic images involving children.
Attention of the security services is mobilized in this form of crime because such legitimate emotion that creates this type of case in public opinion. However, the fight against this crime is difficult as to conceal their activities in the eyes of the authorities, pedophiles have recourse to methods of encryption of communications and storage of pornographic material. They further restrict the access of their sites by passwords and sometimes also conditioning access to the provision of a number of paedophilic nature photos.
Investigations in this area have shown the existence of structured international networks. By way of illustration, they have brought to light in a vast network, the name of "Wonderland Club", which meant 14 countries in the world belonging to Europe, North America and the Australia. Dismantling co-ordinated by Interpol led to the arrest of approximately 100 people and seized over 100,000 images.
Money laundering and tax evasion vs IT Security Evaluation
The development of new technologies surrounding e-commerce greatly facilitated to money laundering and tax evasion that this method is no longer reserved only major crime such as the mafia business or in the major industrial groups eager to hide a portion of their assets on behalf of particular interest today.
Now, small bands organized as small companies have instruments in their possession to recycle or hide a portion of their revenues from taxation. Transfers of funds between States and therefore different legislative systems require only a few seconds.
On the other hand, the establishment of a network of non-formal banking organizations to escape even easier control of States, in particular those implemented by central banks.
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IT Security Evaluation
Extortion and embezzlement IT Security Assessment
Eager to enrich themselves by the fastest route groups are directly to banking organizations. It's sort of a modern Bank attack which could give the name of "hold up" electronic version.
They are for many of them originating in the United States and other Western countries, but not only. Countries such as the India, Pakistan and the Indonesia are becoming real pirates lairs. It should be noted that latter often graduates in Best Western universities and have gained expertise in computer science. The Russia is full of pirates since the fall of communism. Thousands of it professionals of high level indeed suddenly found themselves unemployed the overnight after being part of the privileged system and be involved in the programs most tip of their country. They could then see the easiest way to find a decent source of income in this type of activity.
Among the listed cases, the Vatican Bank was hacked by some twenty people who tried to extort 7 billion francs. Used technique worked with small amounts but the attempt failed when they sought the complicity of a bank in Switzerland Manager.
Another diversion but successful this time, in 1994, a Russian hacker Vladimir Levin, operating from St. Petersburg successfully accessing Citibank NY information system and transfer funds to accounts opened by accomplices in the United States, Holland, Finland, Germany Israel. That day, these are a few 10 million which were volatilizing diverted towards personal accounts. Thousands of American investors were dispossessed of their own content. This money, only 400 thousand dollars have been recovered since.
The scams IT Security Evaluation
As well as the fraudulent character inputs have become mundane by phone or by mail, cyberspace is full of illegal investment proposals. It must be recognized that it lends itself particularly to this type of practice because it allows to come into contact with millions of people, instantly display appearance of respectability without big effort and also instantly disappear without leaving a trace. For example, there are plenty of offers of sale, applications for deposit for services that will never honoured, lotteries, auctions, pyramid, sites etc.
Claims online service launched in 2000 a warning against a car Classifieds Web site. In exchange for a fixed commission of $ 399, this website offered to put on a web page description of individuals wishing to sell cars. In cases where the vehicle is not sold within 90 days, he promised to return to the owner the commission. Of course, several customers cars presented on web page were not sold during the specified time limit, but they found person on-site advertisements for their refund their money. This Web site has closed since.
Thus, informatics provides criminal enterprises in addition to a global catches of lower risk because they can act without physical violence, and with maximum discretion.
The new cybernetics war
Throughout its history, humans have always sought to improve his lifestyle, his tools and even his way of thinking. All his work, particularly technology, have enabled him actually to achieve this end that could be described as instinctive. Its continuous research tools appropriate to act and act well especially, was most often accompanied by a development of thought. It is a continuous interaction between thinking and the environment, its consequences are cumulative.
So the man went by historians of agricultural age to an industrial age to an information era then. A stadium or information as raw material requires outstanding importance. This fact is well illustrated by a couple American future, and Haida Alvin Toffler, who wrote in 1984 in a book called''war''War and cons: "The Knowledge is now the central resource of destructiveness, and it is the central resource productivity ". The couple described ALVIN end of this century as the leap forward towards this new era, or the information and its processes of production, processing and exploitation are being revolutionized by the great leap forward in technology and industry.
The world at the dawn of the twenty-first century is no doubt that information. The control means of production, processing or transport of this information require increasingly important. Here, we can not ignore the role played by the INTERNET in this upheaval made. Information with its production processes and treatment is the focus of economic policies and cultural entities in contemporary societies. Information is today and tomorrow, a major issue around which polarize future conflicts.
Faced with these profound changes that have affected the world, environments of different colors and orientations have responded. Policies, researchers economists but also the military, all were involved and their reactions have not made to wait. A great debate has been initiated in these media on matters of defense and security and new security challenges of the international community.
While the Internet opens up previously unimaginable opportunities for communication and sharing of information, it also causes new threats. The use of the network for various purposes (military and civilian communications, data exchange etc.. ... ..) Is facing a multitude of threats very different. Even wars are no longer what they have always been. The French specialist in security issues JEAN GUISNEL, evokes the very likely prospect in a book called''War''in cyberspace. The debate concerns the changes that have and will affect the doctrines, concepts and modes of action of these environments in this new information environment. This phenomenon has been called in the early 90s by:''''RMA, revolution in military affairs.
Therefore, a very rich literature has emerged, dealing with the consequences of these changes and new challenges in the future. First United States of America and in Europe where many works have been carried out on behalf of official and unofficial circles. So many new words have emerged to describe different situations, techniques, concepts or other.
This is a relatively new topic of concern. In fact, the concepts are not clearly defined and the authors speak of is information warfare, cyber warfare, cyber threats, cyberterrorism, cyber attack and what to discuss separately or both phenomena quite different (espionage economic revolution in military affairs, hackers, etc..) whenever threats to the safety of individuals, society and state apparatus were involved Studying Cyberwar 's transpire from the beginning a delicate matter since the classifications are very different from one author to another, the American to French.
In this regard, theories proposing to conceptualize new forms of fighting have been developed in 1992 under a general heading called''Information Warfare''and in some ways for different forms of threats to the Internet or cyberspace . Dr. Martin Libicki of the RAND Corporation technical features 7 warriors''whose cyberwarfare,''which for him is a motley of techniques, which mainly has a futuristic look.
concepts put forward more recently by the RAND researchers John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt. In their book anthology, ''In Athena's Camp - Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age, bringing together a collection of essays by various authors, the two main concepts are to formulate the "War Cybernetics" and "War Networks. War is described as a technique Cybernetics warrior to deal with future conflicts, tan disc war of networks is described as Part of ''civil war'' that cyberwarfare. Other tests have been developed by many researchers, however, they are closer to at least one or the other theories mentioned above.
Through this informational perspective, the concept defined by Sun Tzu in the fifth century BC,'' To subdue the enemy without fighting''is now the essence of this information war. His goal is to obtain control of the battlefield, or neutralizing the enemy without fighting physical fighting.
Compared to this varied literature, which basically refers to the divergence of interests of different stakeholders and lack of defined concept of the word''war''that cybernetics may require a general approval, it might be wise to design the word across all potential cyber threats affecting and will affect cyberspace. Thus the following definition was adopted for the following study.
Cyberwar: A new form of fighting in cyberspace between entities of different species (states, companies, groups and individuals of conscience) Control of information. It can take several forms including hacktivism, cyberterrorism, the cyberespionage and vandalism.
Internet cyber space of violence?
Internet is a cyberspace stopping Security Evaluation
Indeed, with Internet We have entered an era of virtual, intangible where Geography is no longer available, and users move through a space dematerialized speed of light, It can even access in near real time, worldwide, to a mass of information constantly increasing.
Moreover, thanks to the Internet, bank accounts, stock quotes, management of air or surface, telecommunications of all kinds, and even the generation facility or energy management are now controlled entirely by computers that are increasingly interconnected.
It is important to know that the rapid expansion of computer communications has raised mainly through the Internet, it has become customary to call cyberspace. This leads us to accept the existence of a new world somehow parallel to that in which we exist, and which exist and circulate all the data that govern our material world ..
Internet today is based on a juxtaposition of systems levels
Intercontinental networks-serving support to all other networks
-Network coverage with their own dynamic of development (in
Like RENATER in France and its twenty regional networks)
-Providers that serve their regional customers using
platforms connected to the telephone network access
-Closed networks, internal or owners, giving access to the Internet
their subscribers (eg AOL)
Within this diversity, the common denominator is the language of
digital communication (TCP / IP Transmission Control Protocol over
Internet Protocol) capable of passing on any type of network
digital data from a sender to a recipient identified identified.
Physically, the Internet consists of a set of links, nodes
and networks, which are a global network through which pass the
The services offered by Internet:
The Internet now offers many services that are most common:
The mail-electronics to send a message to the
mailbox of a recipient connected to interning
The discussion forums that allow users to federate
individual informal discussion groups in interconnected
form of personal contributions readable for all.
The World Wide Web, invented in 1989 at CERN in Switzerland, is a service that provides access to interactive media servers will reach pages containing text and images. These pages contain hyperlinks that can call other pages interconnected. The player goes through these links and a document to another.
Internet is an area of cyber war in IT Security Assessment
The Internet is an area without effective control over its users, a decentralized space no operator and no State control altogether, a heterogeneous space where everyone can act, speak and work. Therefore, in cyberspace, whatever the logic gates in place to prohibit connections to sensitive sites, they are neither more nor less leaky inviolable. Consequently, violence is rife in cyber network of networks. This violence takes many forms in different aspects, it These include:
L 'hacktivism Cyber -Hacktivism:
Use of Cyberspace for a cause or assert a political position in insecure strategic sites, networks or programs
Difficult to define because of the absence of an official definition of terrorism, any time according DOROTHY DENNING, professor of computer science at Georgetown University:
Cyberterrorism is the set of attacks and illegal threats of attacks carried out by small groups, against computers, networks, and information that are stored in order to intimidate or coerce a government or its people to achievement of political or social
Illegal activity conducted to obtain information of value through cyberspace
Examples of cyber war:
The examples below reflect the actual existence of such violence, but does nothing to inform its scale, in the absence of reliable statistical figures
- Hacktivism:
The gold of the Kosovo conflict in 1999, NATO computers were bombarded with e-mails and paralyzed by pirates hactivistes, protesting against the bombardment by the alliance
IN 1994, two hackers managed to penetrate the computer network dU "ROME LABORATORY" a research center for the U.S. Air Force in the State of New York and connected via the Internet to hundreds of university centers and businesses working for the defense, the attack has been detected q ' after three days. The pirates have time to copy their data on levels of attacks occur in times of war and thousands of passwords corporate partners. Damage was estimated at $ 500,000
The most immediate example of this type is undoubtedly the program PROMIS (Prosecutor's Management Information System) which allowed
U.S. services to search all the computers containing such instructions.
In the absence of a judicial authority on the Internet, it continues to serve as space for a cyber-sided violence, then how does this war?
Actors cyberwarfare
-cyberwarfare Actors:
In undertaking this war, the states use hackers or their secret services.
The Sino-American can be illustrated by example. The diplomatic world No. 18025 of January 7, 2003 stresses that China opposed the cyber conflict to America in May 2001 about the U.S. spy plane which was incorporated into China for eleven days. This crisis has given a boost to a cyber war that led the Chinese and American hackers. The Chinese hackers have launched hundreds of attacks DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service "Denial of Service") and bombardment of emails towards the United States in the to block the sites of the White House and the CIA. In contrast, the United States responded by launching several viruses that have paralyzed Chinese mille cent six sites including sixty two percent government owned and the educational system. The hackers' Chinese launched a second offensive in attacking more than one thousand U.S. sites between 1 and 9 May 2001, when they announced a cease-fire "
- Business.
The actions of the businesses located within the economic war that is usually the result of a spirit of competitiveness that exists between them.
Companies recruit "hackers" or secret services which penetrate the computer networks of their opponents. They create and financial scandals in order to weaken them economically.
213-opinion groups:
Finally, for groups of political or cultural, computer facilities are more accessible compared to traditional means (weapons, ammunition, etc. .--), because they can coordinate and organize attacks cheap . This is the attacks on sites (in graffiti or blocking access), spamming (overdose email) or by sending viruses, worms or Trojan horses. As an example, the action taken by "Electronic Disturbance Theature, a Mexican organization that brings together eighteen thousand participants who attacked the website of the Mexican president in disorders of Chiapas in October 1998.
-Techniques used:
Actors cyberwarfare use advanced techniques to neutralize enemy computer networks.
The techniques are the most common attacks: identity theft, unauthorized use of resources, the unauthorized disclosure of information, denial of service and unauthorized alteration of information.
- Identity theft is to impersonate someone else with the computer system attacked in order to access sensitive information (database, special software, email server, etc. .--- ).
- Unauthorized use of resources is to implement software or low-speed devices that consume vast amounts of memory and computing time, thus slowing the work of licensed and degrading the overall performance of the service.
- Denial of service is to deliberately overload the system with messages so that users can access them in good conditions.
- Unauthorized disclosure of information is to read or copy an unauthorized personal or confidential information (credit card, etc.. -), Or secret business information.
- The unauthorized alteration of information is obtained either by direct intervention and "manual" on the data, or modifying software.
-Means vs IT Security Evaluation
Cyberwarfare used various means. The actors are developing special programs that allow them to break into computer networks. Among these different programs, most used are the virus, worm, Trojan horse, logic bomb hoax and (hoax).
- The virus is a small program located in the body of another, which, when run, loads itself into memory and executes the instructions that the author has programmed. Is a program that can share reproduce in a computer, the other infecting other programs and thus be transmitted from one computer to another. In addition, it can be programmed to destroy data in a computer or to a specific time, once the log. The most recent example is that the virus "I Love You" which has penetrated millions of computers Thursday, May 4, 2000, spreading quickly.
- The worm is a program that can self replicate and move through the mechanisms of a network. The most famous anecdote about to date 1998.Un student had made a program that can spread over a network, he threw it and released after eight hours, it had already infected more than two thousand computers, and so many computers have fallen into failure within hours. In addition, all these worms have created a saturation level of bandwidth, which forced the NSA (National Security Agency) to establish connections for a day.
- The logic bomb is a malicious program containing a function usually associated with delayed onset and a modified system programs on which it is located.
- The Trojan is a program hidden in another sneaky that executes commands. It executes instructions harmful when running the program healthy. Worse, such a program can create from inside the network breached voluntary security to allow protected access to parts of the network of people connecting from outside.
- The Hoax (hoax) e-mail is spreading false information and urging the recipient to disseminate false news to all his relatives or colleagues. The purpose of the hoax is to cause the satisfaction of the designer to have fooled a huge mass of people.
-Targets for IT Security Evaluation
The targets for cyberwarfare are the hardware and software components of cyberspace.
The hardware components are the computers, networks, network nodes and physical links.
The software components include databases of business, political and military institutions.
Thus, the secret service, hackers and cyber-terrorists are the key players in cyberwarfare, he vying for control of information and call into play the InfoSec States.
Violence cyber threat information security
Informational Security Military and civilian
The main issue of cyber war is not only the security of information networks and weapons companies but also the questioning of the factors of power and how to manage crises.
Military Network Security
Indeed, cyberwarfare, which is based on information literacy, knowledge and understanding, and which are factors of development are also inevitable that allows a comparison with other countries or to extend its reach or by increasing its vulnerability, in this environment the threat of cyber defense concept takes on a globalized states are called not only to protect the networks of their armies, but also those of their companies.
In military strategy, cyberwarfare is actions taken to achieve information superiority and this by attacking enemy information systems while enhancing and protecting its own information. It refers to the conduct of military operations, whose main objective is information. These operations will try to cripple or even destroy information systems and communications of the enemy to prevent it can answer these important questions: is he, where he is and what it can do why and when to do it fight.
The cyber war is really about knowing all of an opponent by forbidding it to obtain information on the status of its own forces. It seeks to tilt the balance of information and knowledge in his favor, especially in cases where the balance of forces we unfavorable.
The Echelon network run and coordinated by the National Security Agency (NSA) has been designed to intercept and listen to all types of mail and all kinds of telephone communications transmitted over military networks.
Network Security companies and institutions:
In addition, the civilian is not to be outdone, it may also be affected by this type of war, attacking not only the systems of information stored or transported in cyberspace, but also all components of national infrastructure, which depend on both the information technology and timely availability of accurate data. These components include the telecommunications infrastructure itself, the bankers and financial systems, networks, electric power, other energy infrastructure such as pipeline and gas pipeline systems, water supply, services emergency such as police, firefighters and rescue operations. Imagine, for example, that systems of public transport companies are imbued with the parameters that guide trains and subways are amended, as the air traffic control might be altered as national banks or large financial institutions are losing control funds transfer networks and system management accounts. The country's civil security and the economy as a whole would then be seriously threatened.
Especially since the leadership in this field can be defined as the acquisition of a superiority in the production, processing and use of information piracy is also the most common form in this kind of attack. A company such as Airbus, for example would have been in the forefront of this war, hackers after the attack reportedly handed over the files and software to companies or stolen American technology or against ransom Airbus itself should also be noted that several internationally renowned companies have suffered huge losses due to the interception of their conversations and their computer transmissions. These malicious computer clearly influenced their levels of competitiveness.
The questioning of power factors against IT Security Evaluation
Finally, it is clear that this form of warfare that is involved in asymmetric warfare or asymmetric can attack a superpower by attacking its Achilles heel, a cyber attack does not necessarily require the use of modern technology but the organizational and psychological dimensions may be as important as technical dimensions, which in terms of threats, the war offers States, pressure groups or political or religious opportunities to conduct military operations or terrorist mafia either through the rapid transmission of secret data, or by disseminating misleading information is intended to attack information systems is simply to influence public opinion to such an extent that U.S. experts do not hesitate to discuss possible "electronic Pearl Harbour".
The United States despite their overwhelming superiority in information technology, remain vulnerable to a cyber attack is an example that demonstrates the reality of the thing is the 1989 attack against symbols of American power: the NASA, the Pentagon and other government agencies.
crisis management.
The cyber war has given States new opportunities for their decisions and the economy of their forces.
The information for the Army.
Indeed, in modern armies, cyberwarfare is a significant scope for information literacy and deterrence.
In communication, the Internet offers an unprecedented way. We can thus learn about any enemy activity provided it is attached to the network. The quality of the latter has attracted the interest of modern armies since it constitutes a means of transmission media and a source of information. The systematic collection and analysis of all information used to monitor the eve general orientation of specialized assets and paralysis of enemy forces. In the new types of war, it is to compel the enemy to give up its demands by paralyzing. This paralysis affect all nerve centers. This result would be achieved through control of its computer networks or neutralization by means which are part of cyberwarfare.
The decision, more and faster for better IT Security Assessment
The cyber war is an extension of the traditional importance of obtaining information during the war, have superior C4I, to surprise and disappoint the enemy before he does the same thing. This is important regardless of the overall strategy being pursued. In this sense, the concept means that factors related to information are more important than ever to manage conflict. The continuous updating of situations command allows to reason in real time and gives it a greater responsiveness to the unexpected. During the Gulf War for example, those based at the Pentagon helping to identify targets and develop plans of attack, while the command space forces alerted in case of missile attacks against Saudi Arabia or Israel.