Logistics Officer Trainig Test

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A multiple Choice Question Logistics Officer Trainig Test

Test preparation materials for Logistics Officer Jobs

Logistics Officer Jobs Especially for ONG Position or with International Organization

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All of the following are key components for the deployment of any peace operation EXCEPT:

Funding requirements.

Logistical support.

Broad sustainability.

Regional development. (correct)


If equipment is provided by a TCC but maintained by the UN, this is a:

All of the above.

Wet lease.

Dry lease. (correct)



What document establishes the administrative, logistics, and financial terms and conditions that govern the contribution of personnel, equipment, and services provided by a TCC in support of a UN peacekeeping mission?



MOU. (correct)


Logistics Officer Assessment


Once formed contingents are deployed to the mission area, how many rotations of unit personnel will the UN finance per year?



Two. (correct)



Which of the following is NOT an example of the consumable supplies or minor equipments necessary to support the basic services under a self-sustainment contract?



Laundry and cleaning.

Recreational entertainment. (correct)


Legal, technical, and tactical command and control issues should be resolved through LOEs, LIs, or MOUs:

Prior to deployment. (correct)

When directed by the SRSG.

Immediately upon arrival in the mission area.

As part of the Security Council resolution.


When national contingents and military observers come under the control of a United Nations designated commander, the transfer of “Operational Authority” must be completed:

If the mission commanders desire.

Immediately. (correct)

At no hurry.

After an initial six-month trial period.


The salary of the trained soldier, policeman, or specialist:

Is a national responsibility. (correct)

Lies with the mission commander.

Lies with the MOU.

Is a local responsibility.


For each UN peace operation, who is appointed by the Secretary-General to command the mission and to implement the mission mandate?

The Force Commander.

The Police Commissioner.

The Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping.

The Head of Mission. (correct)



Tours of UN duty for the Head of the Military Component normally do not exceed continuous periods of:

48 months.

36 months.

Six months.

24 months. (correct)


Who on the mission has the authority to make contractual arrangements for local resources?

Only the CMS. (correct)

The FC and the PC.

Only the SRSG.

Either the CMS or the CISS.



NSEs are:

NOT covered by the mission SOFA.

Additional personnel, services and equipment deployed by TCCs to missions with the approval of the UN with the aim to assist their national contingents. (correct)

A reserve element available to the FC for emergencies.

Fully integrated into the UN chain of command but still located in their own country.


LOAs are NOT used when:

A contingent’s COE MOU does not cover the items or services requested.

A contingent’s home government is the only logical source of supply.

The commander requires local supplies or services. (correct)

Military aircraft or naval vessels are contributed by a TCC.


While serving with the United Nations, military personnel remain members of their:

National Contingents.

National Armed Forces. (correct)

Local Contingents.

None of the above.



The document outlining how the UN will reimburse the governments of countries contributing troops and equipment is the:

 A. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

 B. Status of Mission Agreement (SOMA)

 C. Letter of Assist

 D. Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)


Which of the following is true regarding funding of peacekeeping operations?

A. All Member States share the costs of UN peacekeeping operations equally.

B. All Member States share the costs of UN peacekeeping operations, scaled on the basis of the state’s relative wealth, with members of the Security Council paying a larger share.

C. Members of the Security Council share the costs of UN peacekeeping operations equally.

D. The host country funds each UN peacekeeping operation.


The following are logistics concepts that apply to all missions:

Involves maximising available resources and adopting a stockpiling policy which ensures future contingencies can be met.

Logistics is the required level of support regardless of the size of a UN mission, in the most cost effective manner consistent with operational requirements.

Requires that the host nation provides a fixed percentage of cost of the services.

Both a. and b. (correct)


Logistics is defined as the science of:

Both a. and c. (correct)

Planning and carrying out the administration, movement and maintenance of forces and material.

Conducting activities related to directly negotiation peace options.

Conducting activities related to communications, engineering and aviation services.


International Logistics is the process of:

Connecting policies, programs, and procedures to produce an integrated logistic system between the Member States contributing to a UN sponsored mission.

Both b. and c. (correct)

Obtaining international approval for a mission.

Negotiating, planning, coordinating and implementing logistic support between civilian and military components of nations and international organisations.


In the Logistics concept of responsibility:

National or cooperative arrangements, but must be clearly agreed upon prior to deployment.

Contributing member states and the UN have a collective responsibility to ensure that forces deployed on any UN operation are fully equipped and supported.

Member States and the UN have collective responsibility for the care, custody and safeguarding of all UN assets.

All of the above. (correct)


The logistics concept of foresight means that:

Special on-site requirements are determined only after the first contingents arrive.

It includes first identifying resources within or close to the deployment area and obtaining information regarding the infrastructure of the site concerned.

Both a. and b. (correct)

The administrative and logistic planning for any mission begins well before the commencement of any operation.


Flexibility in the field of logistics means:

Change in logistic plans most frequently occurs at the end of an operation.

The ability to conform to operational plans which will almost inevitably be subject to frequent change and to modify standard methods of operation to meet unexpected events. (correct)

Both a. and c.

Maintaining flexibility in the face of different local customs at the mission site.


The concept of economy in logistics describes:

Both b. and c.

Integration is achieved as soon as possible on arrival at the mission site.

That on any mission, resources are plentiful but nevertheless must be used effectively, efficiently and economically.

That early integration of all available assets provided by contributing member nations should be a main goal. (correct)


The concept of simplicity in logistics describes:

The greater the understanding of the plan the more effective will be the cooperation between contributing nations and the speed with which an original plan can be adapted to meet changing circumstances.

Although logistics can be a complex and detailed subject, it is, however, largely a matter of common sense. Simple yet flexible plans will have a greater chance of success than more complex ones.

All of the above. (correct)

The simpler the logistic plan, the easier it is to understand.


The concept of Lead Member State suggests that:

All of the above.

The lead Member State’s logistic organisation would not contain representatives of other contributing nations, which ensures the least amount of confusion in logistic planning.

Other nation’s contingents follow the lead of the largest contributing Member State in diplomatic decision-making.

Medium to large size missions may centre around one principal Member State’s contingent, which usually assumes responsibility for all logistic support and maintains resupply links to its home base. (correct)


Various types of logistics for UN missions include:

Administrative, Transport, Supply, Communications and Finance. (correct)

Banking services.

Both a. and b.

Travel agents.


Logistics is the art of:

Planning what is needed to house, transport and provide supplies to military troops and personnel.

Providing support to UN police, UN agency staff and civilian specialists who serve on UN missions.

Making sure decisions made in the field are logical.

Planning and carrying out of all transport, housing, supplies and technical support needs to military troops as well as all UN field mission personnel. (correct)


The UN draws its main logistic support for a field and peacekeeping missions from:

All of the above. (correct)

The main contributing nation and private sector resources contracted by UN. the nation requesting peacekeeping support.

The UN budget and contributing nations.

Civilians or resources contracted directly by the contributing nation.


Private sector support may be contracted for:

Laundry and dry cleaning requirements.

All of the above. (correct)

Any service or supply requirement not available on the mission site.

Utilities needs and assistance to procure supplies and petroleum products and storage facilities for these.



The Chief Military Logistics Officer is chosen:

Only promoted from the pool of Logistic Officers within the UN.

From armed forces personnel of countries contributing contingents for the Force. (correct)

From civilian personnel of the contributing nations.

From the private sector.


The finance section of a UN mission is responsible for:

Only for controlling mission costs and reporting these to the UN Headquarters.

Administration of the mission’s budget.

Preparing the initial mission budget.

Accounting and budget resolution for all supplies and UN commitments of the mission, as well as of all its financial transactions. (correct)


The Communications Services section of a UN mission is responsible for:

Communications between mission site administrative units and those at UNHQ.

Access to global communications between UN missions and UNHQ, all on-site communication needs and maintenance of communications equipment. (correct)

All mail, courier and central registry operations.

Communications between military installations and military units.


The Department of Field Support includes the following divisions:

Logistics Support Division. (correct)

Political Division.

Mine Action Service.

All of the above.


There are preliminary considerations common to all missions, namely:

Overall mission analysis and determination of mission requirements, logistic planning formulas, and determination of logistic shortfalls. (correct)

Learning the customs of the intended site.

Both a. and c.

Determining sources of local economy.


Logistic Planning Formulas are used to determine the specific resources and the amounts of each required to accomplish a mission. Which of these general points regarding logistic planning formulas are true?

All of the above. (correct)

Inputs from logistics experts from member states as well as previous UN experience provide the basis for determining support requirements.

At present, there is no UN logistic publication that contains planning formulas to determine gross logistic requirements.

In national planning, general requirements such as water, fuel and rations is commonly defined as kg or lbs per man, per day.


In handling logistic shortfalls, the logistics planner:

If shortfalls are identified, the planner first attempts to resolve them through additional member nation solicitations or increased host nation or contractor support. (correct)

Both a. and b.

The planner then recommends that the mission be abandoned.

Determines the contributions of the host nation.



The UN draws logistic support for its field missions from the following:

Resources contracted directly by the contributing nation.

Private sector resources contracted by the UN.

Contributing countries.

All of the above. (correct)


A cohesive Logistics Plans prepared for a mission should indicate all of the following except:

Deployment timeline.

Logistics base locations.

Housing requirements for staff. (correct)

Equipment requirements.


During the Mission Start-Up phase, the key requirements to deploy basic infrastructure include:

Establishment of Mission UNHQ.

Approval of Mission budget.

Recruitment of UN International Staff to meet staffing requirements.

All of the above. (correct)


A SOFA/SOMA may include:

All of the above. (correct)

Disposal of the remains of a deceased member of the mission and of his/her property.

Use of roads, waterways, port facilities, and airfields.

ID cards for the personnel of the mission.


The Mandate Implementation phase of a UN mission:

All of the above.

Defined as arrangements which provide all that is needed to sustain the mission for the entire period of its mandate. (correct)

Involves only military components.

The responsibility of the Chief Sustainment Officer who is responsible for coordinating all actions necessary to ensure that the required support is available at the appropriate place and time.


The planning for a UN mission:

Both b and c.

Requires planning and constructing a scaled-down model of what the mission would actually look like and require.

Encompasses preparations to deploy logistic support. (correct)

Begins with the approval of the budget by the Department of Field Support.


Effective deployment is defined as:

Minimum operational capability for UNHQ to deploy its resources.

Minimum operational capability for a mission to begin implementing its mandate. (correct)

Maximum operational capability for a mission to begin implementing its mandate.

Maximum operational capability for UNHQ to deploy its resources.


For effective deployment, mission support includes:

Materials and services.

Personnel only.

Services only.

Materials/services and personnel. (correct)


Pre-mandate commitment authority requires support from member states in the following:

Troops, COE, SOMA.


Troop, LOAs, SOFA. (correct)

Troops, COE, transportation.


UNLB includes surface transport, communications, engineering, equipment and:

Stores food supplies.

Houses troops.

Houses COE.

None of the above. (correct)


The employment period for military personnel in a mission initially is:

Six months. (correct)

Two years.

One year.

Eighteen months.


COE equipment is owned by contributing member state and maintained by:

Host nation.

Member state.

UN. (correct)

Other contingents.


In a mission, ultimately the responsibility of protection and use of UN-owned property is on:


HOM (correct)




SDS includes:

Transport assets.

Communications equipment.

All of the above. (correct)



In the envisioned sequence of rapid deployment, all contracts for strategic sea lift or air lift should be made upon:

Deployment of mission.

None of the above.

D - 30 days to deployment. (correct)

Before planning team is established.


Once items are deployed from UNLB to missions, the Secretariat charges the replacement cost to the budget of:


Security Council.

To the Mission. (correct)



The steps to establish a budget and to get it approved are sequential and are the same for every mission. Which of the following steps is NOT true:

The heads of state of the proposed mission area are interviewed to obtain their input regarding mission requirements. (correct)

The initial report is prepared by the political departments and indicates the participation level required by contributing member states.

Political departments recommend an operation to the Secretary-General, who approves a survey mission to be sent to the targeted area to evaluate mission requirements.

The Secretary-General submits a report to the Security Council.


Once funds are allocated for a mission, the following staff are appointed:

The special envoy to SG.

DMS/CMS. (correct)

The NATO force commander.

The UN agency staff. (correct)


The Secretary-General provides the DMS/CMS with a document entitled “Delegation of Authority”. It outlines:

The budget of the mission.

DMS/CMS’s personal entitlements.

Status of the mission.

The expectations of the mission and its financial limits. (correct)


The Delegation of Authority contract outlines:

What authority is delegated by the UN to the contributing nation in terms of peacekeeping functions.

What needs to be specified via contracts for purchase, rental and disposal of property.

What purchases of non-expendable property can be made.

Both a. and b. (correct)


In budgetary terms, the DMS/CMS is responsible for:

Forecasting and planning financial requirements and reconciling financial requirements of the mission.

Preparing and submitting budget-estimates for the mission.

Supervising the financial management systems and exercising budgetary control.

All of the above. (correct)


The DMS/CMS appoints a Chief Finance Officer as his main financial assistant whose responsibilities include:

All of the above. (correct)

Ensure full implementation of and compliance with all existing United Nations financial rules, regulations, instructions and procedures.

Carrying out and supervising the day-to-day reconciliation of financial details.

Approve mission payments and maintain mission accounts and coordinate and supervise the preparation and production of budget estimates and program budgets for the mission.


Which of the following exceptions to the reimbursement process are true: 1) There are rare occasions when a Member State decides not to seek recovery of legitimate expenses from the UN. 2) As an alternative to direct reimbursement, the UN may at time agree that cost incurred be credited against a Member Nation’s assessed contributions. 3) A Member State can decide to deploy more assets than the UN has requested and approved. 4) Deployments contain costs, which the UN did not agree to reimburse. 5) Field equipment weighing 10 tons is non-reimbursable.

1, 2, 3, and 4. (correct)

4 and 5.


1 and 2.


Contingent-Owned Equipment is equipment provided by a contributing Member State:

Maintained by another nation.

Maintained by Member State.

Maintained by the host nation.

Maintained by the UN. (correct)


The In/Out Survey is an inventory which shows the value of each item deployed to a mission site by a contributing nation. Which of the following statement(s) are true regarding the In/Out Survey: 1) The Out Survey columns of the In/Out Survey are completed at the time a contingent is ready to redeploy. 2) At redeployment, a final inspection of all COE is conducted by a representative of the DPKO. 3) In the final survey, the condition of all equipment and materials is recorded. 4) Using the In/Out Survey, contributing nations calculate consumption and depreciation claims to be reimbursed by the UN.

1, 2, and 3.

1 and 2.

2, 3, and 4.

All of the above. (correct)


A feature of inventory taking of equipment is an amount that can be written off, called Write- Off of Equipment. The DMS/CMS is normally given authority to write-off property on a mission up to a pre-agreed value from:

No limit.

USD $25,000 to $50,000.

USD $1,500 to $25,000. (correct)

USD $50,000 to $60,000.


The standard elements of the system on COE include Reimbursement, Transportation and:

Involvement of Security Council.


All of the above.

Dispute Resolution. (correct)


Mission factors to compensate for extreme operating conditions are:

Extreme environmental.

Intensified operational.

All of the above. (correct)

Hostile action/force abandonment.


Extreme environmental condition factors include:

Terrain profile.


Only a. and b. (correct)

Climatic conditions.


Arrival inspection includes equipment to be painted in:

Contingent colours.

UN colours. (correct)

None of the above.

Host nation’s colours.


Major equipment includes:

Communication equipment.


Naval vessels.

All of the above. (correct)


UN is normally required to provide self-sustainment to troop-contributors for the following:

Duty free shopping.

Postal services.


Catering. (correct)



Verification by UN personnel will include the following report:

Preliminary report.

Arrival verification report.

All of the above. (correct)

Arrival inspection report.



The term liquidation refers to all activities involved in the:

Mandate Implementation of a mission.

Not relevant to the status of a mission.

Closing of a mission. (correct)

Start-Up of a mission.

All purchase orders for which deliveries were made should be cancelled or:

All of the above. (correct)

Rerouted to other missions.

Rerouted to UNLB.

If requestor justifies continued requirement, P.O. should not be cancelled.


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