Rules of English Grammar- Summary and Quiz

Grammar and Usage Rules, Summary and Quiz

as well as spelling and punctuation rules, are important and necessary to a language. They help us maintain the uniformity in language that needed in order for us to express our ideas precisely. Without such rules, communication would indeed de difficult. Rules demand a consistency that guarantees universality of meaning.







Cardinal numbers are used to give the number of things while ordinal numbers are used to give the exact order or classification of things:

A.     Clara has  two  books.

B.     Clara has  the second  book.

C.     Clara has  book  two.


In sentence  “A”  the word twois used to show the number of the books. However in both sentences “B” and “C” we have only one book but it’s the second one not the first or the third, so the words “the second” and “two” are  used only to show the order of this book.







There are some modifiers that may be used only with count nouns (nouns that may be counted and made plural). There are some other modifiers that can be used only with non-count nouns (nouns that can not be counted or made plural). The third category are the modifiers that may be used with both types; count and non-count nouns:



      Bob needs some money. He decided to ask some friends to give him few dollars.

      I need plenty of moneyto buy a number of  T- shirtsand several blue Jeans.





We can classify nouns as types. Sometimes a nounmay fit into more than one type or class, depending on how it is used:


- Concert nouns:   They name physical objects that our senses can perceive (table, war, poverty,..)


Abstract nouns :  They're words for ideas, concepts, processes or feeling (peace, war, poverty,..)


Count  nouns :     A count noun is one that can be counted and be made plural (student, students)

The following words are count - nouns:

child  foot          mouse       person                      tooth

children     feet          mice         people                      teeth


Non - count nouns: Non - count nouns are nouns that can not be counted, they can be divided into three groups:


* Actual masses such as: water, oil, gas, earth, metal, cheese, butter, bread,

* Abstract nouns such as peace, war, poverty, health,

* Concert objects grouped under more general names such as furniture, clothing, underwear, equipment, ‘’non - count noun’’ (a glass if milk-two glasses of milk-)


The following words are non - count nouns:

air - economics - food - homework – information - mathematics - measles - meat - money - news - physics - politics - sand – soap.


 Proper nouns :       They are used for individual persons, places, or thing.

Common nouns:    They're used for members of a large class of similar items (a man, a river,.)


Compound nouns : They're made up of two nouns.  (Bedroom, bookcase, airport, catbird...)

Collective nouns :  They're made of words representing a group of people, animals, or objects considered as a single unit.  ( family, team, crowd, herd of cattle, flock of sheep, kit of tools, set of dishes, pack of gum,...)



Most plurals are formed by adding « s» 

Examples :

- phone / phones

- basket / baskets ).


 But there are some exceptions :

1)         Nouns ending in s, sh, ch, z, or x form plurals by adding ‘’es’’ 

Examples :

- glass / glasses

- tax / taxes.


2)         Add ‘’s’’ to form plurals of letters and numbers 


- M / M's

- 8 / 8's


3)Nouns ending in ‘’y’’ or ‘’o’’ form plurals in two ways :

a) If a consonant precedes the ‘’y‘’ or the ‘’o’’ add ‘’es‘’, and change the ‘’y‘’ to ‘’i‘’:

Examples :

-baby / babies

- tomato / tomatoes ......).


b) If a vowel precedes the ‘’y‘’ or the ‘’o’’ add only ‘’s‘’ : 

Examples :

- monkey / monkeys

- radio / radios....).


1)         The plurals of proper nouns are formed by adding ‘’s’’  or ‘’es‘’ for the nouns that ends already in ‘’s’’ and the article ‘’The‘’ :

Examples :

- Mary / the Mary’s

- Jones / The Joneses


2)         Some nouns are always used in their plural forms ( requiring plural verbs ) :  ( clothes - pants - trousers - surroundings - tongs - scissors - shorts - jeans - pliers + ARE ).

Examples :

- My pants are in the drawer.

- The scissors are dull.

6) Some nouns are plural in form but singular in construction (requiring singular forms):

(electronics - mathematics - genetics - gymnastics - news - United states - billiards + IS).


7)Some nouns have the same plural and singular forms : 

Examples :

- swine / swine

- salmon / salmon

- sheep / sheep

- moose / moose ...).


8)Some form the plural by applying the plural forming rules of the language form Which the Word originated ( usually Latin ):  ( datum / data - crisis / crises - alumnus / alumni - index / indices - antenna / antennae ..).


9)Some are irregular and must be memorized :

Examples :

- child / children         - mouse / mice

- foot / feet               - tooth / teeth

- goose / geese          - wife / wives

- loaf / loaves            - woman / women....)




« A »  and  « AN »  are indefinite articles and are used only with singular nouns (a bird - an item ) they mean not a particular one, but any one.

When I say,« I want an apple » I mean that I want one apple and not more, but, I also mean that I’m not saying which particular apple I want.



« The » is a definite article used with both singular and plural nouns ( the bird - the birds the item  the items). It means a particular one.  When I say,  « I want the apple » I mean that apple in your hand, or on the desk, or that you promised me, a particular apple.

* Give me an apple                    (any apple).

* Give me the apple                   (a particular apple).






Pronouns are words that can take a place of the Noun, usually to avoid repetition. They must agree with their antecedents in number, gender and case.

Pronouns are usually divided into four main parts ‘’ sections ‘’:



Pronouns are words which are used to substitute or replace nouns to avoid repetition, emphasize or for other reasons. We have four main types of pronouns:


v  Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence ( the doer of the action ),   

            while Object pronouns substitute for the object of the sentence ( receiver of the action ).



v  Possessive pronouns are used to show possession and ownership.


   That’s my money, It’s not yours or hers.


v  Reflexive or emphatic pronouns are used only to emphasize that the subject of the 

       sentence is the actual performer of the action. They can never be used as the main   

       subject of a sentence.


   The president,  himself,  told me the truth.



N.B:                Subjective pronouns are used to replace the subject of the sentence while objective  

                 pronouns  substitute for the receiver of the action which is the object.


Ø Clara   visits  Linda.

Ø She       visits  her.


                         So, when we want to use a subject pronoun we should look for the doer of the action in the sentence. However, to use an object pronoun we should search for the receiver of the action.



They do not have complete meaning in themselves. They always refer to some nouns which we call the antecedents of the pronouns.

The following chart shows the personal pronouns arranged according to number (singular, plural), gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), case (subjective, objective, possessive) and person (first, second, third...).


Personal Pronouns are usually divided into three main parts:

        # Subjective   pronouns:


- Jack has a part time job. He works at a fast food restaurant.

        # Objective   pronouns:


- The teacher graded the student’s papers last night. She returned them during class the next day.

        # Possessive   pronouns:


- That book is mine. Those are yours.


- Pronouns are not followed immediately by a noun, they stand alone.

- Adjectives are followed immediately by a noun, they do not stand alone.

# My book is here, your books are over there.


Mr Bobhas just been promoted.         He is   a captain now. (Subjective)

Tom, John, and Freed are good friends. We like them a lot.   (Objective)

- He just bought a   car.                      It's   a   new one               (neuter)



They are used to refer back to the subject of a sentence or to give emphasis to someone or something mentioned.  Examples:

- The engineer burned himself                    (subject)

- She herselfrepaired the computer            (emphasis)

The reflexive pronouns are :


Example:  I did the job myself.

The reflexive pronouns may occur in any of the objective positions but they can never used as the subject of a sentence: Examples:

- Linda and myselfare eating lunch             (wrong).

- Linda and     I      are eating lunch             (correct).



They not only refer to antecedents but also introduce dependent clauses.

Those relative pronouns are:

which       : refers to animals or thing.

Who : refers to people.

That : refers to both people and things.

N . B :

Whoseis the possessive form of who and it can refer to people or animals.

Whom is the objective form of who and it refers only to people.



The demonstrative pronouns ‘’this, these   /   that, those‘’ refer directly to their nouns, but this and these usually refer to things near the speaker in space or in time, while that and those refer to things at a greater distance.  Example:

This  is  my   coat.

That  is your shoe.


N . B :       * The indefinite pronoun  ‘’ ONE ‘’ means anyone or everyone or someone.

* The following pronouns are used with singular verbs:

anyone - everyone - someone - everything - something - anybody - everybody - somebody - no one - nobody - nothing - anything.


Somebody   is   absent.

Everyone    is   here.


- When pronounsare in apposition they are appositives and they must agree with the nouns or pronouns they name in number, gender, and case:

(poor)       - They have asked for two volunteers,  you  and I.

(better)     - They have asked for two volunteers,  you  and me.

(The object of asked is volunteers and the words in apposition to it must be in the objective case).

(poor)       Us girls are going shopping.

(better)     We girls are going shopping.

(Girls is the subject, so the pronoun in apposition to it must also be in the subjective case).


1.       The mother took…………...…..sick dog to the doctor.

a)      her

b)      its

c)      those

d)      his


2.       Where is …………………………….….book?

a)      me

b)      an

c)      these

d)      my


3.       I bought a new CD, but now I can’t find…..….

a)      them

b)      they

c)      it

d)      him


4.       Please give the new books to……………….…

a)      him and  I

b)      he and  I

c)      me and he

d)      him and me


5.       The commanding officer………………….will

         inspect  the barracks.

a)      themselves

b)      himself

c)      ourselves

d)      itself


6.       My mother lost…………………………..keys.

a)      hers

b)      his

c)      it’s

d)      her


7.       Give me that book! It’s………………………..

a)      mine

b)      himself

c)      herself

d)      ourselves


8.       I don’t want to be in a class with ….…….

         student who speaks Spanish all the time.

a)      others

b)      other

c)      another

d)      some others


9.       My wife hurt………………………………

a)      himself

b)      sheself

c)      ourself

d)      herself



10.    The car …………..I bought was a bargain.

a)      who

b)      which

c)      whom

d)      what


11.    Mind  your  own  business.  This  is  an argument between………….……...…..

a)      Joe and I

b)      He and I

c)      Him and I

d)      Him and me.


12.    He gave ………….bicycles for Christmas.

a)      My brother and I

b)      My brother and me

c)      I and my brother

d)      Me brother and I.


13.    That is …………….……………..……car.

a)      me

b)      my

c)      he

d)      him


14.    My father  took…… to the repair shop yesterday.

a)      her

b)      his

c)      its

d)      me.


15.    The girls did this report all by…………….

a)      herselves

b)      theyselves

c)      themselves

d)      theirselves


16.    I want to thank you for inviting my wife and……………………………to dinner.

a)      I

b)      me

c)      we

d)      he.













  1.  Tito was the only foreigner ……..…….I saw             9.  Do you know the woman ………. was hurt

                 at the convention.                                                       in the accident?

                        (A) whom                                                                   (A) which

                        (B) which                                                                   (B) whom

                        (C) who                                                                      (C) who

                        (D)  what                                                                    (D) whose


2.  They forgot about …….…….them to join us                   10.  I would like to leave a message for ……… if

     for lunch.                                                                     I may.

                        (A) us to ask                                                              (A) they

                        (B) us asking                                                              (B) them

                        (C) our asking                                                            (C) their

                        (D) we asking                                                             (D) theirs


3.  Our host family always invites my roommate       11.  A few of …………….. are planning to drive     

                  and ………..….to their house on Sundays.                        Florida during spring break.

                        (A) me                                                                        (A) who

                        (B) my                                                                       (B) us girls

                        (C) I                                                                           (C) girls we

                        (D) mine                                                                    (D) girls


4.  Because they usually receive the same score                    12.  This is the woman …….….…. the artist said

     on standardized  examination, there  is often                      posed as a model for the painting.

     disagreement as to …………… the better                                (A) who

                        (A) who                                                                     (B) whom

                        (B) which                                                                   (C) which

                        (C) whom                                                                   (D) whose

                        (D) whose

                                                                                              13.  Of  those  who took the  exam with Jane and

5.  I really appreciate ……. to help me, but I am                    …………….. I am the only one who studied

     sure that I  will be able to manage  by myself                    for it.

                        (A) you to offer                                                         (A) he

                        (B) your offering                                                      (B) his

                        (C) that you offer                                                       (C) him

                        (D) that you are offering                                            (D) himself


6.  Let you and …………….. agree to settle our        14.  Two of notebooks ………... Tom had lost on

                 differences  without  involving  any  of   the                           the bus were returned  to the main desk at his

                 other students.                                                              dormitory.

                        (A) I                                                                           (A) what

                        (B) myself                                                                  (B) who

                        (C) me                                                                                   (C) which

                        (D) my                                                                                   (D) whose


7.  If you had told us earlier ………….. he was,                   15.  He didn’t seem to mind ………………… TV

                 we could have introduced him at the meeting.              while he Was trying to study.

                        (A) who                                                                      (A) their watching

                        (B) which                                                                   (B) that they watch

                        (C) whom                                                                   (C) them watching

                        (D) whoever                                                               (D) them to watch


8.  I always ask my sister and ……... for advice.

                        (A) her

                        (B) she

                        (C) hers

                        (D) herself



       Exercise I:       Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words to complete the following sentences:







1.   Most  people want……………………..…….

a.    the freedom

b.    many freedom

c.    freedom

d.    lots freedom


2.   I want to buy………………...….…cigarettes.

a.    a

b.    some

c.    an

d.    a few of


3.   The teacher gives……….………..homework.

a.    too much

b.    many

c.    lot

d.    a


4.   Please may I have……….………..…

a.    any

b.    both

c.    some

d.    much.


5.   I lost ………………………….…..….money.

a.    all

b.    my all

c.    all of me

d.    all of my


6.   I want a picture of……….…….…..elephants.

a.    the three

b.    those three

c.    them three

d.    this three


7.   There are ………… in the parking lot.

a.    too much

b.    some much

c.    too many

d.    some many


8.   I bought……………………...……..…

a.    some old

b.    old

c.    these old

d.    an old


9.       The police said they captured…….….robbery suspects.

a.    both of

b.    the both

c.    one

d.    both of the

10.    To get 100 on  the  ECL  test is  extremely    difficult……….students manage to do that.

a.    few

b.    a few

c.    some

d.    many


11.     I bought …………….….pies for the buffet.

a.    a

b.    one

c.    an

d.    several


12.     Tell ………………..students that they will  

          take the test.

a.    all of five

b.    the all five

c.    all five

d.    all the of five.


13.     The kids ate………….candy before supper.

a.    too many

b.    some of

c.    lot

d.    too much.


14.     I bought …….……….roses for my mother.

a.    severals red beautiful

b.    beautiful  red several

c.    beautiful several red

d.    several beautiful red.


15.     I like studying.……..……kind of exercise.

a.    this

b.    these

c.    those

d.    many.


16.     People in some countries don’t have…..……

a.    same freedoms

b.    those freedom

c.    the freedom

d.    freedom.


17.     I don’t like………….…..…...….exercises.

a.    this

b.    these

c.    those

d.    them.


1.  Please go to ……….……. pick up your ID card.        9.  It’s shame that  you have …..…….. time in New

                        (A) third window                                                 York on the tour.

                        (B) the window three                                                  (A) so few

                        (C) window third                                                        (B) so little

                        (D) the third window                                                  (C) a few

                                                                                                          (D) a little


2.  May I have two …………….... instead of beans,                  10.  We haven’t had ……….news from the disaster

            please?                                                                              since the earthquake.

(A) corn’s ear                                                             (A) many

(B) ear of corns                                                                      (B) quite a few

(C) corn ears                                                              (C) much

(D) ears of corn                                                         (D) some


3.  If  you  want  to find  good  information  about     

graduate  programs in  the  United  States,  look         11.  Bob F. Kennedy was  …..…….. of the U.S.A.

in ……………..….. of the College Blue Books.                                (A) he thirty-five president

(A)  volume two                                                         (B) the thirty-fifth president

(B)  volume second                                                    (C) the president thirty-fifth

(C)  the volume two                                                   (D) president the thirty-five

(D)     a few dollar


4.  Let’s buy our tickets while I still have…………..       12.  I’ll have a cup of tea and ……………………..

    left.                                                                                    (A) two toasts

(A) a few money                                                        (B) two piece of toasts

(B) a few dollar                                                          (C) two piece of toast

(C) a few dollars                                                        (D) two pieces of toast

                        (D) few moneys         

         13.  The  ticket  agent  said that the plane would be

         boarding at…………………….……………..

                      (A) the gate six

            (B) sixth gate

(C) gate six

(D) the six gate


  14.  The Chicago bus is parked at…………..……..

(A)  the lane two

(B)   the two lane

(C) lane two

(D) lane the two


  15.  We don’t have ………………….…... tonight

(A)  many homeworks

(B)   much homeworks

(C)   many homework

(D) much homework


5.  The  assignment  for  Monday  was  to  read

…………………………….. in your text books.

(A)   Chapter tenth                                                 11. The ticket agent said that the plane would be

(B)    the chapter ten                                                      boarding at_________

(C)    chapter the tenth                                                             (A) the gate six

(D)   the tenth chapter                                                             (B) sixth gate

                                                                                                    (C) gate six

6. I always put my best ……….. a safe-deposit                         (D) the six gate


                  (A) jewelries

                        (B) jewlry’s pieces

                        (C) pieces of jewelry

                  (D) piece of jewelries


7.  I will need ……...….. about the climate before I              14. The Chicago bus is parked at________

      make a final decision.                                                                       (A) the lane two

                 (A) a few informations                                              (B) the two lane

                 (B) a few information                                                (C) lane two

                  (C) a little informations                                              (D) lane the two

                  (D) a little information

                                                                                        15. We

8.  Sending ……...… express mail” costs about ten   (A) many s

      times  as  much  as sending it “regular delivery.”                                                                             (C) many                                      (A) mails                                                                    (D) much homework

                  (B) a mail

                  (C) a piece of mail                                                                  

                  (D) pieces of a mail


Rules of English Grammar- Summary and Quiz

English course, Listen to English, english grammar, security Officer Assessment, Field Security Officer Assessment, security Coordination Office, verb forms, phrasal verbs, Learning English vocabulary as a basic part of learning American the language.