Preventing cybersecurity attacks from becoming military weapons

What forms of attacks can we expect?

Some examples of expected attack types: 

Are there ways to prevent these cyberattacks? 

Control your cyber addiction

How do I do this? 

Digital well-being

How can this be achieved? 

Respect digital sobriety

How to integrate and respect it? 

Feminizing tech

What actions can be implemented?


Fundraising and state subsidies to equip organizations with French cybersecurity, creation of new training, the digital sector is becoming aware of the major role it occupies in everyone's daily lives. In order not to be late, it is important to correctly understand the cybersecurity trends and challenges of 2023. 

Preventing cybersecurity attacks from becoming military weapons

What forms of attacks can we expect?

In 2023, attacks, ever more sophisticated, will continue to diversify and risk becoming real military weapons. 

Some examples of expected attack types: 

The "BitB" (Browser in the Browser): discovered in 2022, this form of phishing consists of creating a fake browser pop-up window inside the real browser asking the user to identify himself. In 2023, hackers will develop new formats to more easily deceive their targets. 

Smishing: these SMS attacks are set to multiply and be more targeted following the increase in the number of data spoofed in recent years.

By QR Code: a tool widely adopted since the Covid crisis, it represents a new opportunity for hackers. Not being secure, it can easily transmit viruses;

Ransomware: widespread attack in 2022 with high profitability, hackers are led to strengthen and diversify their formats to bypass the security solutions that equip more and more organizations.

Today, hackers are even penetrating companies and government bodies that have advanced levels of security. The consequence for 2023? Hackers will attack larger and more secure companies by focusing on the employee who represents the "weak link" and more sensitive sectors such as energy, transport. The proof, recently, the Thales group, specialized in defense and security, was the victim of a cyberattack by Russian hackers.

Are there ways to prevent these cyberattacks? 

There are indeed ways to prevent cyberattacks. These best practices should be integrated into the daily life of the company. 

Be extra vigilant

Get informed and stay alerted 

Equip yourself to protect yourself 

Training to prepare 

Control your cyber addiction

In 2021, 80% of email security solutions on the French market were those of two American giants, Microsoft and Google (2022 study by Markess by Exaegis). And yet, eight out of ten IT/IS decision-makers say that digital sovereignty is important for their business (Jamespot study, October 2022).

If the government wanted to strengthen the cybersecurity of French organizations with sovereign solutions, notably via the France Recovery plan, Europe has rather regressed in this area with the abandonment of the Cloud Act. In this context, end-users must become moderators and limit their digital trace. Awareness of the latter, awareness and education in digital tools will be a real challenge in the coming years to recover a form of digital freedom.

How do I do this? 

Thanks to its 100% French solutions, Mailinblack helps you control your cyber addiction. Indeed, its first solution, Protect, protects your professional mailboxes from cyberattacks and the second, Cyber Coach, trains your employees to face cyber threats through concrete simulations. 

Digital well-being

The health crisis and its successive lockdowns have increased dependence on the Internet. The Digital Report 2022 Global Overview (in partnership with We Are Social and Hootsuite) notes that 6 hours and 58 minutes per day are spent on the web, representing more than 40% of waking time. The IPSOS study of February 2022 also shows worrying results: 53% of children say that their consumption of screens has increased.

Other alarming figures: 43% of children who surf online report headaches and 42% of them difficulty falling asleep. Finally, 43% of children aged 0 to 2 already use the Internet. These figures confirm that education in digital tools must be carried out from an early age and that children, as well as their parents, must be made more aware of the consequences of digital technology on physical and mental health.

The work environment, where the French spend most of their time, will also have to adapt to better respect the employee's right to disconnect and facilitate the use of their daily digital tools.

How can this be achieved? 

To achieve this digital well-being, it is necessary to put in place practices to achieve this goal. 

Right to disconnect 

Work with serenity (block newsletters, spam...)

Mental clean-up 

Respect digital sobriety

The term "digital hygiene" must be democratized and become a strategic focus of organizations. Better use of digital tools will reduce parasitic interactions and actions (same messages distributed on several platforms, unwanted notifications, non-compliance with the "do not disturb" status, etc.), educate on cyber risks and protect your data easily. 

Training sessions provide education on the various actions to be implemented to preserve employees' mental health, improve productivity and reduce the environmental impact of digital technology. The latter was also the subject of a law adopted by the French government, a world first. It aims to better measure its impact, control its footprint, support responsible initiatives and make digital technology a real tool for the ecological transition.

Software design will be a strategic focus to meet the various challenges of 2023. It allows, on the one hand, to design the tools in an ecological way: thanks to better encoding, the software requires less memory and consumes less energy. On the other hand, the choice of materials and engineering design can prevent planned obsolescence and reduce greenhouse gas emissions during manufacturing. Finally, the user experience must be reviewed taking into account the mental health of the user to preserve it. To achieve this effectively, stimulate creativity and increase performance, organizations will need to foster diverse teams, both by gender and life course.

How to integrate and respect it? 

Respect digital hygiene gestures 

Pedagogy and awareness are required

Feminizing tech

While the proportion of women in the digital sector has increased in recent years, it remains far from parity (17% in 2022 compared to 12% in 2018, according to the Gender Scan report of 2022). According to a survey conducted as part of the Web Summit 2022, 67% of women working in tech feel they are being paid unfairly compared to their male counterparts. More worryingly, 49.5% of them have experienced sexist acts or remarks in the workplace in the last twelve months and 46% do not feel respected in their role by their peers. 

Not to mention that the shortage of manpower and the lack of diversity in teams are a major obstacle to the development of start-ups and scale-ups in France.

What actions can be implemented?

The actions that can be implemented are: 

Digital education from an early age in schools

Destigmatization of the sector

Highlighting women in the media to inspire future generations

Flexibility at work to arrange schedules according to family rhythm

Remuneration in line with skills and valuation in the same way as men

To encourage women to join the sector, several actions can be put in place. Among them: digital education from an early age in schools; the destigmatization of the sector as "hooded geeks" in the collective imagination; highlighting women in the media to inspire future generations; greater flexibility at work to arrange schedules according to family rhythm; finally, remuneration in line with the skills and the position held, valued in the same way as men.

For example, Mailinblack actively participates in the hackers' circle as well as local Girls tech day initiatives.

Did these trends help you see more clearly? Do not hesitate to watch the replay of our webinar on the subject. 


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