How does catapult launch aircraft

What is an aircraft catapult, and how does catapult launch aircraft

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The modern steam-powered catapult,

powered by steam from the ship's boilers or reactors, was invented by Commander C.C. Mitchell of the Royal Naval Reserve.

An aircraft catapult is a device used to allow aircraft to take off in a limited distance, typically from the deck of a vessel. They can also be installed on land-based runways, although this is rarely done. They are usually used on aircraft carriers as a form of assisted take off.
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F-14 Tomcat preparing to connect to a catapult on USS Saratoga
In the form used on aircraft carriers the catapult consists of a track, or slot, built into the flight deck, below which is a large piston or shuttle that is attached through the track to the nose gear of the aircraft, or in some cases a wire rope, called a catapult bridle, is attached to the aircraft and the catapult shuttle. Other forms have been used historically, such as mounting a launching cart holding a seaplane on a long girder-built structure mounted on the deck of a warship or merchant vessel, but most catapults share a similar sliding track concept.

Different means have been used to propel the catapult,

such as weight and derrick, gunpowder, flywheel, air pressure, hydraulic, and steam power, and solid fuel rocket boosters. The U.S. Navy is developing the use of Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch Systems with the construction of the Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers.

Historically it was most common for seaplanes to be catapulted, allowing them to land on the water near the vessel and be hoisted on board, although in WWII (before the advent of the escort carrier) conventional fighter planes (notably the Hawker Hurricane) would sometimes be catapulted from "catapult-equipped merchant" (CAM) vessels to drive off enemy aircraft, forcing the pilot to either divert to a land based airstrip, or to jump out by parachute or ditch in the water near the convoy and wait for rescue.


First recorded flight using a catapult

Samuel Langley's catapult, houseboat and unsuccessful man-carrying Aerodrome (1903)
Samuel Langley's catapult, houseboat and unsuccessful man-carrying Aerodrome (1903)
Aviation pioneer and Smithsonian Secretary Samuel Langley used a spring-operated catapult to launch his successful flying models and his failed Aerodrome of 1903. Likewise the Wright Brothers beginning in 1904 used a weight and derrick styled catapult to assist their early aircraft with a takeoff in a limited distance.

On 31 July 1912, Theodore Gordon Ellyson became the first person to be launched from a U.S. Navy catapult system. The Navy had been perfecting a compressed-air catapult system and mounted it on the Santee Dock in Annapolis, Maryland. The first attempt nearly killed Lieutenant Ellyson when the plane left the ramp with its nose pointing upward and it caught a crosswind, pushing the plane into the water. Ellyson was able to escape from the wreckage unhurt. On 12 November 1912, Lt. Ellyson made history as the Navy's first successful catapult launch, from a stationary coal barge. On 5 November 1915, Lieutenant Commander Henry C. Mustin made the first catapult launch from a ship underway
Catapults — The four steam-powered catapults thrust a 48,000-pound aircraft 300 feet, from zero to 165 miles per hour in two seconds. On each plane's nose gear is a T-bar that locks into the catapult's shuttle, which pulls the plane down the catapult.

The most famous trebuchet of all was probably the massive siege engine known as the “Warwolf,” which was used to pound the Scots into submission at the siege of Stirling castle in 1304.


How does a catapult launch aircraft?

A catapult is a device that uses a combination of mechanical and hydraulic systems to accelerate an aircraft to a high speed in a short distance. This allows the aircraft to take off from a limited runway, such as an aircraft carrier deck.

The basic principle of a catapult is to store energy in a spring or a piston, and then release it quickly to propel the aircraft forward. The energy can be stored by compressing air, stretching rubber bands, or spinning flywheels. The release mechanism can be triggered by a cable, a lever, or an electric signal.

The most common type of catapult used on modern aircraft carriers is the steam catapult, which uses pressurized steam to drive a piston along a track. The piston is attached to a shuttle that connects to the aircraft's nose gear. As the piston moves, it pulls the shuttle and the aircraft along the track, increasing their speed until they reach the end of the track and are launched into the air.

The steam catapult has several advantages over other types of catapults. It can provide a smooth and consistent acceleration, which reduces stress on the aircraft and the pilot. It can also adjust the amount of force applied to different types of aircraft, depending on their weight and size. It can launch multiple aircraft in quick succession, which increases the efficiency and capacity of the carrier.

However, the steam catapult also has some drawbacks.

It requires a lot of water and fuel to generate steam, which adds weight and complexity to the carrier. It also produces high temperatures and noise, which can damage the equipment and affect the crew's health. It also has limited lifespan and requires frequent maintenance.

To overcome these limitations, some new aircraft carriers are adopting a different type of catapult: the electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS). This system uses electric motors and generators to create a magnetic field that pushes a metal armature along a track. The armature is connected to the aircraft's nose gear, and as it moves, it accelerates the aircraft to launch speed.

The EMALS has several benefits over the steam catapult. It uses less energy and water, which reduces the weight and cost of the carrier. It also produces less heat and noise, which improves the working conditions for the crew. It also has longer lifespan and requires less maintenance. It can also provide more precise and flexible control over the launch speed and force, which can accommodate different types of aircraft and weather conditions.

The EMALS is still in development and testing, but it is expected to replace the steam catapult on future aircraft carriers. It is designed to improve the performance and safety of carrier-based aviation, and to enable new capabilities and missions.

How does a catapult get its energy to launch items?

In a catapult, an object is held in a basket at the end of an arm, which is pulled tight against the ground to maximize potential energy. When the arm is released, the basket sends the object flying into the air, transforming the potential energy into kinetic energy.

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how catapult launch aircraft

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